Abstract submission
For ESP 2015 Congress
Please submit your abstract by May 25, 2015.
Please, carefully read the Author Guidelines in the abstract submission website.
A correct abstract submission will ensure that contributions will be correctly placed within the conference and abstracts correctly published in the Book of abstracts.
Please be aware that the first time you enter in the abstract submission website you must create an account, as explained in the Author Guidelines.
Please be aware also that the registration on the abstract submission website is not alternative to the congress registration: congress participants should register BOTH for the congress and for submitting an abstract
If the instructions are properly followed, once the submission is complete, the system will send a Submission acknowledgement to the account User e-mail address.
For any problem with the Author Guidelines, please contact Francesco Ghetti (francesco.ghetti@nano.cnr.it).
If you need to make changes in the abstract text after the upload, please send the revised version to Francesco Ghetti.